Flipkart has launched their first tablet the DigiFlip Pro XT712 for Rs. 9,999 with launch day offers worth Rs. 9,200. The DigiFlip Pro XT712 runs on Android Jelly Bean out of the box and comes powered by 1.3GHz quad core processor. This tablet with 7 inch screen also comes with dual SIM slots and supports 3G.

On the hardware front the DigiFlip Pro XT712 houses the MediaTek quad core 1.3GHz chipset coupled with Mali 400 MP2 GPU clocked at 500MHz. Android 4.2 runs over a 7 inch IPS HD screen with 1280 x 800 pixels resolution.

There are dual SIM slots and both the SIM’s support 3G. You can also use this tablet for making and receiving phone calls. There is 1GB DDR3 RAM and 16GB internal storage plus 32GB micro SD card support.

There are 3 basic sensors accelerometer, light and proximity. There is an in-call speaker too on the front. The DigiFlip Pro XT712 is equipped with a 2MP fixed focus camera on the front good for selfies and 5MP auto focus on the rear with 1080p video recording capabilities. The rear camera is with LED flash support.

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Flipkart DigiFlip Pro-XT712 quad core 3G tablet

The DigiFlip Pro XT712 tablet weight is 285 gram and is 9.2mm thick. Key features are 3G, Wi-Fi, 2G, GPS with A-GPS and Bluetooth 4.0. This tab come with 3000 mAh Li-po battery with up to 8 hours of talk-time and 168 hours of standby time.

The Flipkart DigiFlip Pro XT712 quad core tablet with 3G / Wi-Fi support is now available for Rs. 9,999 with offer worth Rs. 9,000 that includes free shopping worth Rs. 5300 from mobile app, free subscription of flipkart for 1 month, free plantronics ML2 Bluetooth headset worth Rs. 1199, free eBooks worth Rs. 2,300 and 50% off on book case worth Rs. 799.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in