There are many companies that are partnering with mobile brands to launch handset with effective price tag. Flipkart and Vodafone have now partnered and have launched an entry level 4G smartphone #MyFirst4GSmartphone for an effective price of Rs. 999.

Whenever you hear the word effective it means that initially you will need to pay the full amount but gradually over a period of time the cashback that you will get will effectively bring down the price of the handset.

Now for this effective scheme to work you need to follow certain rules which most likely will be particular amount of recharges per month for a particular period – 18 / 36 months. So the handset is the Intex Aqua A4 that is priced at Rs. 4,999.

flipkart vodafone #myfirst4gsmartphone

You get a special discount of Rs. 2000, the handset price then becomes 2,999. And if you use vodafone and recharge worth Rs. 2,700 in 18 months then you get Rs. 900 cashback and if you continue recharges for Rs. 2,700 for another 18 months you get Rs. 1,100 cashback so a total of Rs. 2000 which brings the effective price of the handset to Rs. 999.

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For more details visit this Flipkart page.