Datawind the maker of Aakash tablets has launched three new smartphones called the Datawind Pocket Surfer 2G4, Pocket Surfer 3G4 and Pocket surfer 3G5 priced at Rs. 1999, Rs. 2999 and Rs. 5999 respectively. These handset will come with a 1 years free data plan via RCom.

Pocket Surfer 2G4 is the cheapest model powered by 1GHz single core cortex A7 processor. It is running Ice cream sandwich (4.0.3) over a 3.5 inch screen with 854 x 480 pixels resolution. This dual SIM handset supports 2G (EDGE). There is 256MB RAM and 512MB ROM with 32GB micro SD card support.

2G4 also comes with a rear camera of VGA resolution. Key features are 2G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Battery capacity is not known but as per the company it gives 3 hours of talk time on a full charge. The Pocket Surfer 2G4 is priced at Rs. 1,999.

Pocket Surfer 3G4 sports a 4 inch screen with 854 x 480 pixels resolution. It is powered y 1GHz single core processor running KitKat with 256MB RAM and 512MB internal storage along with micro SD card support. This handset comes with 5MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera.

See also  Datawind launches PocketSurfer 5X, 5C+ and 3GS smartphones

datawind pocket surfer 2G4, 3G4 and 3G5 launched

This dual SIM handset supports 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Battery mAh not know but this handset gives about 3 hours of talk time. Pocket Surfer 3G4 is priced at Rs. 2,999.

Pocket Surfer 3G5 is powered by 1GHz processor running KitKat over a 5 inch screen with 854 x 480 pixels resolution. This handset comes loaded with 512MB RAM, 4GB storage and 32GB external card support. There is 2MP rear camera and VGA front camera.

Key features are 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The handset gives up to 3 hours of talk time on a full charge. Pocket Surfer 3G5 is priced at Rs. 5,999.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -