Motorola’s Moto X is now available in India via Flipkart for Rs. 23,999. The handset is listed and can be bought immediately. The Black and the White color options are currently available, however users can pre-book X in the colors that are not currently available.

There is EMI option available wherein users will get Rs. 1000 cashback. 10 lucky customers will also get a chance to win 100% cashback.  The 70% off on flip cover is post delivery, and you need to answer a simple question to enter the luck draw – 10 lucky customers will be selected who will get 100%  cashback as store credit. As for the EMI option Rs. 1000 cashback is available on 6 months EMI, in a way it becomes an interest free EMI.

Will the single SIM Moto X create the same hype like the Moto G did? Probably not, because of the price. X is powered by 1.7GHz processor, it runs on Android 4.4 with 2GB RAM and 16GB storage. There is 10MP camera on the rear and 2MP on the front. The 16GB version is currently available on Flipkart in White and Black color options only (for now).

See also  Moto Z Play getting Nougat update in India

The X will be available in different colors and the X with wood finishing (2 design options) will cost Rs. 2K extra. Moto X is on Flipkart for Rs. 23,999. Moto X review coming soon.

Moto X now available on Flipkart

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -