Here is another smartwatch from Blitzwolf, the BlitzWolf (BH-HL2), this one features a 1.3 inch full round touch screen display, IP67 certified and looks and feels like a traditional watch, for the price this smartwatch does look impressive and also comes with really cool watch faces.

As mentioned in the video here is special price
BlitzWolf®️ BW-HL2:
Exclusive Coupon Price:$29.99
Coupon Code:BGINBWHL2
Expiry Date: February 29th

BlitzWolf BH-HL2 features and specifications

1.3-inch Full Round Touch Screen
The screen supported different level of brightness, looks great – indoor as well as outdoors.

Multiple Language Support
The App supports 20 languages, and BW-HL2 smart watch push notification supports more than 50 languages. You can quickly check app messages and SMS in different languages. When your phone has a call or message, BW-HL2 gives vibration notification.

blitzwolf smartwatch

IP68 Waterproof
You can wear it when washing hand or even a short-time swimming. There is also a swimming sports mode that can track your swim activities

Heart rate monitor, Blood pressure / Blood oxygen
BW-HL2 provides real-time heart rate measurement to get a comprehensive view on your heart behavior day and night. Furthermore, it can monitor your blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation as well.

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It is using Bluetooth 5.0 and the 200 mAh battery in the smartwatch will give up to 5 to 7 days of usage time. For now there are limited watch faces available but later on more watch faces will be added / custom watch face option will be made available via app update.

This smartwatch is pretty accurate and gives consistent results.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -