The BlackBerry Q5 made its way into the India markets for Rs. 24,990. Well that was too costly for the specs, but now the price has been dropped to Rs. 19,990 for a limited period only – call it a New Year Bonanza offer – but still way costly.

Apple, Android and Windows devices are eating into the BlackBerry market share and with time it will get even worse. The key issue with BB handsets is the exorbitant price tag when compared with other brands / specs.

The single SIM BlackBerry Q5 sports a 3.1 inch touchscreen with 720x720p resolution. There is the traditional BB QWERTY keyboard (many users still love to have). This handset runs on BlackBerry 10.1 OS with 2GB RAM and 8GB storage plus 32GB external card support. Key features are 3G (43Mbps), 2G support, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, GPS with A-GPS / GLONASS and Wi-Fi (b/g/n).

BlackBerry Q5 price drop

This handset is powered by dual core 1.2GHz snapdragon S4 Qualcomm processor. Also included are a 5MP rear AF camera with flash and 2MP front camera. Full HD video recording and playback is supported. Q5 weighs around 120 grams with 10.5mm thickness.

See also  BlackBerry Curve 9360 features and price in India

The 2180 mAh battery gives talk-time of up to 12 hours on 3G networks. The BB Q5 is currently available for Rs. 19,990 on and probably other online stores may also reduce the price.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -