Today you will find a lot of advertisements about the BlackBerry PlayBook on TV, in newspapers and on radio; some ads are even suggesting users to buy a PlayBook instead of a Laptop. But can the BlackBerry PlayBook or a matter of fact any Tablet replace the laptops?

It all depends on what the user does on a laptop. I would categorize users into 3 type’s simple, advanced and power users. The simple users is the one who will chat, check their emails, connect with friends on social networking sites and work on normal documents. The advanced user on the other hand does all-of-the above, plus may use advanced software to get their work done on the move. The power users may also use advanced software’s that would connect them to their office server, this would also required a more powerful system.

Now once you understand the 3 user types you can easily classify yourself into any one of those types. As far as advanced and power users are concerned they should stick to the laptops. Though simple users can replace the laptops with a PlayBook, typing can turn out to be a major issue. The laptops have real keyboards whereas on the PlayBook you have in screen touch keyboard and if you type a lot you could easily get frustrated after sometime.

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BlackBerry PlayBook vs the laptop
BlackBerry PlayBook vs the laptop

The BlackBerry PlayBook is not that powerful as a laptop in fact the specifications almost compete with the Netbooks (Excluding the touch factor).  Yes the touch feature does provide faster and easier navigation and size and battery life makes PlayBook more compelling but it’s all about entering data.  Just imaging typing on a laptop in moving car and doing the same on the BB PlayBook.

For the price of a BlackBerry PlayBook one can easily get a powerful laptop with advanced features. PlayBook from BlackBerry is just another gadget that fills in the gaps between a smartphone and a laptop, buy it if you have the money, but if you are think of buying one instead of a laptop… Think Again!

Simple users can choose to go with the PlayBook instead of a netbook, you however lose the keyboard. However there are some Bluetooth keyboards available in the market which you can buy that can be connected with the PlayBook. But then you will have to spend more money.

BlackBerry PlayBook  with bluetooth keyboard and mouse
BlackBerry PlayBook with bluetooth keyboard and mouse

BlackBerry PlayBook Latest Price in India

PlayBook 16GB Rs. 27,990
PlayBook 32GB Rs. 32,990
PlayBook 64GB Rs. 37,990

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -