Bharti Enterprises Group, Beetel has entered the tablet market by launching the Beetel Magiq tablet an Android 2.2 based 7 inch tablet that comes with great features and at a price of just Rs. 9,250, unbelievable isn’t it. Just a few days back Reliance launched the Reliance 3G tab with a price tag of Rs. 12,999. This is definitely good news for the Indian consumers they can now own a tablet that will fit well within their budget.

Beetel Magiq tablet Features

Android OS it seems is what most new players prefer. Most of the tablets that were recently launched are running on the Google Android OS and why not, it is the most popular mobile OS with thousands of app available from the Android market.

The Beetel Magiq tablet too comes loaded with the Android 2.2 (Froyo) OS. Once you look at the price most of you would want to scan through the feature to make sure the tablet is worth it. Believe me it is, with few exceptions.

Beetel Magiq Tablet in India
Beetel Magiq Tablet in India

The Beetel Magiq tablet is powered by the 1 GHz Snapdragon Processors which is used by many tablets available in the market. The touch screen is WVGA TFT and is of size 7 inches. The Beetel Magiq tablet supports external memory of up to 16 GB and comes with 8 GB of internal memory. Even at such a low cost this tablet comes with primary and a secondary camera making video calls possible. Both the cameras resolution is 2 megapixels.

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Beetel Magiq Tablet front side
Beetel Magiq Tablet front side

You can use the Beetel Magiq tablet for checking emails, surfing the web using 3G or Wi-Fi (both of which is supported), checking and updating Facebook status and more. Well you can do much more since the android OS gives you a lot of options and Google services are by default linked to it. Need more apps then just browse the Android market; you definitely will find something there.

Other features are Bluetooth, Stereo Speaker, HDMI port and 3.5mm audio jack. The Wi-Fi can also be used as Hotspot for sharing internet connection. There are two unique features namely the comfy stand and track pad.

Beetel Magiq Tablet price in India
Beetel Magiq Tablet price in India

Did the Beetel Magiq tablet miss out something? Well yes it did. This tablet does not have a built in GPS, so no navigational support. Another thing is that the Beetel Magiq tablet runs on the Android 2.2 OS and cannot be upgraded to the higher version like the Android 2.3. So these are the limitations for the price.

The Beetel Magiq houses a 2200 mAh Battery and you can expect the tablet to last up to 8 hours when used continuously.

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Beetel Magiq tablet price in India

Beetel Magiq Price Rs. 9,250
For More Details, call 1800-102-3456
Offer: Get 2GB of free 3G data per month for 2 months from Airtel. This offer is available for post-paid and prepaid customers.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -