Asus India has finally unveiled the launch date of the most awaited smartphone – the Zenfone 2. This handset will be launched in New Delhi, India on 23rd April 2015. The company is also going to launch the Zenfone 2 with 4GB RAM.

So finally we know when the Zenfone 2 will arrive in India and most importantly Asus has confirmed that the World’s 1st 4GB RAM Smartphone will be made available in India. Asus will be launching 3 variants Zenfone 2. The ZE551ML model will come with optional 2GB or 4GB RAM.

Lenovo has already launched the A7000 for Rs. 8,999 and their first flash sale will be held on 15th April 2015, much before the launch of Zenfone 2. Some users might actually grab the Lenovo A7000, while some would want to wait and check the price of Zenfone 2.

Asus zenfone 2 launch date 23rd april 2015

The ZE551ML model is clocked at 2.3GHz – it’s using Intel atom Z3580 quad core processor. The ZE550ML model is using Intel Z3560 quad core processor clocked at 1.8GHz. Zenfone 2 ZE500CL will be the cheapest of this lot.

See also  Asus Zenfone 2 Laser now available on Flipkart

Well stay tuned for the launch day, we will know the price then. The 4GB RAM version if priced right, could create a tough competition to its competitors and of course will be an advantage for the users.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -