Asus had launched the VivoBook S15 laptop in India and it comes with a price tag starting from Rs. 59,999 with Intel Core i5 processor  the i7 processor variant will cost extra. Here is the Asus VivoBook S15 review, find out how this laptop performed.

The Asus VivoBook S15 is using the latest Intel Generation the 8th Gen. It comes in two option you can either go with the Intel Core i5 8th Gen processor or with Intel Core i7 8th Gen processor. This laptop is also packed with NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU.

This laptop looks great, gives a premium feel, comes with finger print security and icing on the cake is the 15.6 inch NanoEdge display. With NanoEdge screen you get more area to work with and also enhances to look of the laptop. The other thing to note is the battery life, you can get up to 8 hours of nonstop usage on a single charge.

Asus VivoBook S15 review

Asus VivoBook S15 specifications

Processor : Intel Core i7 8th Gen @ 1.8GHz / Intel Core i5 8th Gen
GPU : NVIDIA GeForece MX150 with GDDR5 RAM (2/4 GB)
Storage : SSD : 128GB / SATA HDD 1TB
RAM : 16GB
Display : 15. 6 inch screen with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, 72% NTSC and 178 Degree wide angle
OS : Windows 10
Keyboard : Chiclet Illuminated
Connectivity / ports :  Card reader, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.1, HDMI, combo audio jack, 2x USB 2.0, 1x USB Type C, 1x USB 3.0
Camera : Front VGA
Other features : Stereo 2W Speakers, ASUS SonicMaster technology
Security : Finger Print Sensor
Weight and dimensions : 1.5KG, 361.4 x 243.5 x 17.9 mm
Battery : 3 Cell Polymer 42 Whrs, gives up to 8 hours of non-stop usage

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Asus VivoBook S15 lid


The build and finishing of this Asus VivoBook S15 is awesome, it’s using a aluminium body, perfect finishing on the outside as well as on the inside. The same color pattern follows inside too, including the touch pad.

There is finger print sensor on the right top side of the touch pad. Key are nicely place, comfortable to use. Laptop is light weight, slim, easy to carry and does a very good job. The OS is loaded on the SSD and the boot up is pretty fast.

The screen quality is really good and the nanoEdge display gives a different / wider experience. Viewing angles are great. Now this laptop is using 8th Gen Intel core i5/i7 processor with NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU.

Asus VivoBook S15 keyboard

If you look at the 3Dmark11 benchmark score it was around 4000. For gaming you need a score of over 8000. So this Asus VivoBook S15 is not for gaming but you can use it for every other thing  – like office work, browsing, music (sound quality is very good), watching movies, emails, word / excel / PowerPoint, you can even run high end apps like image editing / video editing etc. You can play high end games but in very low resolution.

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Asus VivoBook S15 fingerprint sensor


The Asus VivoBook S15 is very good option for those on the move, this laptop is slim, compact and light weight. Plus the screen quality and battery life is an added advantage. The pricing is also pretty good starts from Rs. 60K for the Intel Core i5 processor. The Intel Core i7 8th Gen version with 128GB SSD + 1TB HDD is priced at Rs. 81,990.

The Asus VivoBook S15 on a full charge will give up to 8 hours of usage. Fast charging is supported, a 49 minutes charge will bring the battery percent up to 60%.

Rating 4.2 out of 5

Asus VivoBook S15 is available on Amazon.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -