Arya a new Indian brand backed by Salora, unveiled the Arya Z2, a slim and stylish smartphone running KitKat for Rs. 6,999. The handset is 7.5mm thick and is powered by MediaTek 1.3GHz quad core processor. This handset will be available on 22nd September from 12PM onwards on

On the hardware front the Arya Z2 sports a 5 inch IPS screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. It is a OGS screen with reduced thickness and improved touch sensitivity. It is a dual SIM smartphone running KitKat Android 4.4.x over a 1.3GHz MediaTek 6582A quad core processor with Mali 400 MP GPU. There is 1GB RAM, 4GB storage and micro SD card support of up to 32GB.

The Z2 comes packed with an 8MP camera that is interpolated to 13MP, placed on the rear with LED flash and using the Sony BSI sensor. There is another camera of 2MP resolution interpolated to 5MP on the front. Front camera supports 3G video calling.

Key features are 3G, 2G (EDGE / GPRS), Wi-Fi (b/g/n), Bluetooth and GPS. The Z2 comes with a 1800 mAh Li-po battery that gives talk-time of up to 8 hours on 3G. This company has about 250 service centre across 189 cites in India.

See also  Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Gear S launched, Note 4 priced at Rs. 58300

Arya Z2 dual sim quad core smartphone running KitKat

Arya Z2 will be available for Rs. 6,999 with free 8GB micro SD card exclusively on on 22nd September at 12PM.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -