Apple has launched the next awaited iPhone, the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus. This handset will also be launched in India on 29th September and the price of iPhone 8 in India will start from Rs. 64,000.

Apple iPhone 8 features and specifications

This IP67 certified smartphone (dust / water resistant) is powered by 6 core A11 Bionic processor, a 64 Bit chipset coupled with 3 core GPU and M11 motion co-processor. iOS 11 will run out of the box over a 4.7 inch screen, IPS with 1334 x 750 pixels resolution.

Users can choose from 64GB storage and 256GB storage. The rear camera is a 12MP shooter with f/1.8 aperture and it can record 4K videos at 60fps and slow motion videos in FHD at 240 fps. Front camera is a 7MP shooter with f/2.2 aperture.

Handset weight is 148 grams, comes with stereo speakers and finger print sensor. Key features are 4G VoLTE, GPS, Wi-Fi, NFC, and Bluetooth 5.0. The built in battery supports Qi Wireless charging / fast charging.

Apple iPhone 8 price is $699 approx Rs. 44K with 64GB ROM and $849 approx Rs. 54K with 256GB ROM.

See also  Apple iPhone X the premium iPhone announced

Apple iPhone 8 and Apple iPhone 8 Plus

Apple iPhone 8 Plus features and specifications

This handset is also IP67 certified, sails on iOS 11 and using 6 core A11 Bionic processor (64 Bit) with M11 Motion co processor and 3 core GPU. The iPhone 8 Plus comes with a 5.5 inch IPS screen with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, supports 3D touch.

Apple iPhone 8 / 8 Plus back

There are 64GB and 256GB storage options. On the back the iPhone 8 Plus comes with 12MP wide angle lens with f/1.8 aperture and a telephoto lens with f/2.8 aperture. The primary camera can shoot 4K at 60fps and slow motion in FHD at 240fps.

Weight is 202 grams, also includes finger print sensor, stereo speakers. Key features are 4G, VoLTE, GPS, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC and Wi-Fi. The built in battery supports fast charging an Qi wireless charging.

iPhone 8 Plus price id $799 approx Rs. 51K for 64GB version and $949 for the 256GB variant.

Apple will launch the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus in India on 29th September and the price will start from Rs. 64,000.