The iPhone 5C with 8GB internal storage has made it into India, the handset will show up in offline and online stores within few days for a price tag of Rs. 33,500. The MRP is around Rs. 37K, interestingly the Apple iPhone 5C 16GB version is currently selling for Rs. 37,599 and as low as Rs. 35K on

The iPhone 5C 16GB, 32GB versions were already available in India and now here is the 8GB. The price is still on the higher side. 5C is powered by A6 Chipset and runs on the iOS 7 OS. It sports a 4 inch retina display screen with 1136 x 640 pixels resolution.

There is 8 iSight megapixel (f/2.4 aperture) camera with LED flash and Facetime front camera of 1.2MP resolution. Rear camera can shoot 1080p videos at 30 fps and front camera can at 720p.

iPhone 5C is 8.97mm thick and weighs about 132 grams. Key features are 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth 4.0. There are accelerometer, proximity, light and gyro sensors. The built in battery (Li-ion) gives talk time of up to 10 hours.

See also  Apple iPhone 5C launched could be priced over Rs. 30000

Apple iPhone 5C 8GB now in India

Even at Rs. 33K the iPhone 5C 8GB version is still pricy.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -