Acer, a leading gaming PC brand, has launched the Nitro 5, India’s first gaming laptop powered by the AMD Ryzen 7000 series. The latest Nitro 5 comes with a hexa-core AMD Ryzen™ 5 7535HS processor or octa-core AMD Ryzen™ 7 7735HS processor and NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX™ 3050 with 4 GB of dedicated GDDR6 VRAM. It also boasts a 4-Zone RGB keyboard and a sleek, refined chassis designed with dual-fan cooling, dual-intakes, and a quad-exhaust port to keep the device cool at all times.

With up to 2*16 GB of DDR5 system memory, attain maximum speed and massive storage for a smooth and seamless gaming experience. The Nitro 5 is powered by the latest gigabit Ethernet technology, the Killer E2600, which delivers incredible online experiences. With full-range ports, including HDMI 2.1 and the latest USB 3.2 standard with Gen1 and 2 support, users can plug a variety of peripherals.

The Nitro 5 laptop has a 57.5 Wh 4-cell Li-ion battery with battery life of up to 8 hours, making it the perfect companion for users on the go. The AMD FreeSync™ allows gamers to enjoy a fluid, tear-free gameplay experience at peak performance, while the new Max-Q technology utilizes AI to enable thin, high-performance laptops that are faster and better than ever.

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The Nitro 5’s MUX (Multiplexer) switch allows users to manually enable or disable the iGPU. The updated DTS:X Ultra algorithm also provides improved psychoacoustics and HRTF data, resulting in great accuracy for direction and sound placement, realistic listening experience, and good directionality even for stereo contents. The laptop has a lightning-quick 165Hz refresh rate and 3ms response time, guaranteeing gamers fluid, unbroken, and unmatched gaming sessions.

Vinay Sinha, Managing Director-Sales, AMD India said, “Our latest AMD Ryzen 7000 series processors deliver game-changing performance with state-of-the-art technologies including high-speed DDR5 memory, PCIe® 5.0 support, AMD EXPO™ one-touch memory overclocking, and hyper-efficient 5nm manufacturing. Together with ACER, we are providing gamers with greater flexibility in selecting a gaming laptop that fits their budget and preferences by combining different technologies and creating tailored solutions for various form factors. We are certain that the latest Nitro 5 will be welcomed by Acer’s loyal customers and thereby enjoy an unbeatable gaming experience.”

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Sudhir Goel, Chief Business Officer, Acer India, said, “The Nitro series has an unrivaled reputation for offering cutting-edge technology and intense gaming at affordable prices. As gaming has been in the spotlight for the past several years, we are proud and thrilled to introduce the latest Nitro 5 laptop to our Indian gamers. It features the latest AMD Ryzen 7000 processors which are gaming powerhouses with high performance. With the latest sleek and refined chassis, this robust laptop packs a punch, giving users a seamless gaming experience.”

By Rajeev Rana

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