The Iconia W4 3G an 8 inch quad core powered tablet running on Windows 8.1 has been launched in India for a price of Rs. 29,999. The tablet supports 3G and gives a usage time of up to 10 hours (browsing) and 8 hours (video playback) on a single charge.

The Acer Iconia W4 3G comes loaded with 1.3GHz Intel Atom 4th Generation quad core processor (Z3740) running the latest Windows 8.1 OS. The tab also comes pre-installed with MS office home / Student 2013 edition (for free).

Iconia W4 3G sports an 8 inch IPS screen (170 degree viewing angle) with Zero Air Gap (ZAG) technology supporting resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels. There is 2GB RAM and 64GB internal storage. The Micro SD card slot in turn supports up to 128GB external storage cards.

The tab comes with a 2MP camera on the front and a 5MP auto focus on the rear. The camera can record full HD videos. W4 3G weight is 425 grams and is 10.8mm thick. Key features are 3G, Wi-Fi (a/b/g/n), 2G, GPS, HDMI port and Bluetooth 4.0.

Intel Atom quad core Acer Iconia W4 3G tablet

The 2 cell Li-po battery of 4960 mAh capacity gives usage time of up to 8 hours. The Acer Iconia W4 is available in Wi-Fi only and Wi-Fi + 3G options. The W4 3G is priced at Rs. 29,999.

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W4 3G can be pre-book on Facebook between 30 April to 2nd May and get a chance to win the Iconia W4 3G tablet for free. All pre-booking will also get stylish crunch cover for free (worth Rs. 3,000).

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -