Finally the word is out the Aakash 2 tablet will be launched, no idea when but it will surely come for the same price as promised by the GOVT. Kapil Sibal has also admitted that there are some problems with the Datawind manufacturer and the GOVT is still trying to get the low cost tablet into the market with new benchmarks and are also looking for fresh tenders.

There is still no word as to when the Aakash II will be launched, hopefully in 2012. Sibal also admitted that there are quite a few hiccups but for any project of this nature things are never so smooth. There are reports that GOVT may not extend the contract for additional tablets from Datawind.

He added that the main objective is to bring a low cost quality product and he welcomed competition. Quality and affordability is the key and it does not matter who produces it.

I had mentioned in my previous post that something is not well between the GOVT and the Datawind manufacturer. The Aakash 2 also known as Ubislate 7+ failed to launch in Jan 2012. The Aakash 1 was a total disaster.

See also  Aakash 2 launched with a price tag of Rs. 1132 especially for students
Govt will launch Aakash 2 for the same price
Govt will launch Aakash 2 for the same price

Interestingly the Datawind manufacturer is still accepting pre-booking orders for the upgraded tablet but anyway the delivery never happens. For now wait, well more waiting and do not buy any Aakash tablet or UbiSlate 7+ tablets.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -