The Aakash Tablets were a complete disaster. There were issues with the hardware and no word about the delivery; the next version was supposed to be launched in May which never happened. Well the hope is still alive and Datawind will soon come out with the Aakash 2 version for Universities and Colleges in India at a price of under Rs. 1,500 especially for the students.

Datawind will deliver the tablets directly to the concerned Universities and colleges from where students will be able to buy it. The commercial version called UbiSlate (same as Aakash 2) will also be available at a high price tag of over Rs. 3,000 and under Rs. 4,500.

Some improvements have been made taking clue from the first Aakash version that did not do well. In fact for general consumers the price tag has reached to the same level as other tabs currently available in the market.  For example the latest VeeDee D13, Wammy 7, Xtab A10, MM Funbook and many others, you can check the list of tablets here.

Many users had Pre-booked the Aakash tablet and some even made full payments via cheque and they still are waiting for their tablet. The delivery process is pathetic I have already covered an article on this. Let’s hope with the Aakash 2, Datawind also improves the delivery and customer support.

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Aakash 2 UbiSlate tablet from Datawind

Aakash 2 Key Features and Specifications

  • Cortex A8 processor clocked at 800MHz.
  • 256MB RAM, 4GB internal storage and microSD support.
  • Android Gingerbread 2.3.
  • Available in Wi-Fi version and Wi-Fi + SIM Slot (GPRS) version.
  •  3000 mAh battery.

You can visit the official Website for Aakash 2 (

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -