In 1983, a cinematic phenomenon captivated audiences worldwide – “Return of the Jedi”, the third installment of the Star Wars™ saga. One character from this iconic movie, Boba Fett™, has been immortalized in an exceptional form – the Limited Edition Boba Fett Automatic Watch by Fossil.

This isn’t just a watch; it’s a homage to Star Wars™ and its enduring legacy. Only 1983 pieces of this unique timepiece exist worldwide, a tribute to the year “Return of the Jedi” was released. Each watch is numbered, signifying its exclusive status in this limited series.

The 21-Jewel automatic watches are designed to last a lifetime. They are self-winding; all you need to do is wear them. The watch harnesses the energy from your movements to power itself, ensuring it’s always ready when you are.

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Unboxing this watch is a journey in itself, taking you back to the Star Wars universe. Encased in a premium box echoing the Star Wars theme, the watch comes with a certificate of authenticity. Upon opening, you’ll hear the signature Star Wars sound effect, heightening the unboxing experience.

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The watch boasts an intricate design inspired by Boba Fett’s helmet. It’s water-resistant up to 580m, making it a reliable companion for your adventures. The dial, labeled ‘automatic’, features a unique design, and the back is adorned with a Star Wars sticker covering the automatic mechanism.

The strap, made from genuine leather, complements the overall look of the watch. Its red color adds a dash of vibrancy to the otherwise muted tones. The watch’s body is made from durable metal, with a slightly curved glass face enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

Not only does this watch tell time, but it also tells a story. The hours are indicated by the number ‘2’, while the minutes are shown by a separate hand. A unique feature is the seconds display, designed to resemble the viewfinder on Boba Fett’s helmet. A 24-hour format display is also included, and the time can be adjusted using the crown.

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Despite its robust build, the watch may feel heavy on the wrist. However, its stunning looks more than make up for it. And if you ever find the dial has stopped, a simple shake will wind it back up, powering it automatically. Once fully wound, the watch can reserve power for up to 48 hours.

The Limited Edition Boba Fett Automatic Watch is more than a timepiece. It’s a piece of Star Wars history that you can wear. Its unique design and limited availability make it a must-have for any Star Wars fan or watch collector. With only 1983 pieces available worldwide, don’t miss your chance to own this piece of cinematic and horological history.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -